9. Triathlon Marco Polo Challenge
We are proudly presenting the 9. edition of International triathlon Marco Polo Challenge to be held on April 27 2019 in Korčula, Croatia.
Marco Polo Challenge represents an official opening of Croatian triathlon season and it is open for all interested licenced competitors as well as all other amateur triathlon enthusiasts.
Olympic triathlon
1500 m swim + 40 km bike + 10 km run
Minimum age requirement is 18, according to competing categories of Croatian Triathlon Federation.
Sprint triathlon
750 m swim + 20 km bike + 5 km run
Minimum age requirement is 15, according to competing categories of Croatian Triathlon Federation. Open to male, female and mixed teams, made of three participants age 15 and above.
Sprint triathlon – relay
750 m swim + 20 km bike + 5 km run
Open to male, female and mixed teams made of three participants age 15 and above.
*Swimming part of the competition is open to those who have turned 12 yrs of age.
Super sprint triathlon – cadets and juniors
(Inter schools Cup for relays and single competitors)
375 m swim + 10 km bike + 2,5 km run
This race is primarily intended for students of 7th and 8th grades of elementary schools. Race shall be organized only if sufficient number of teams sign up by 15th April.
Street race – humanitarian action
10 km run
Along with the Olympic triathlon, street race shall be organized aimed towards promoting healthy lifestyle .
This competition is open for contestants in following categories:
M – F: 15 – 19 yrs, 20 – 29 yrs, 30 – 39 yrs, 40 – 49 yrs, 50 – 59 yrs and older.
Local schools championship in Team Relay Running
Races are primarily aimed at students attending local elementary schools in following categories:
1. & 2. grades
3. & 4. grades
5. & 6. grades
7. & 8. grades
For more information please visit: